King's Ridge Christian School Athletics

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King's Ridge Feeder Tackle Football Program

Early Registration is $500 between 2/12/24 - 4/1/24

After 4/1/24 Registration is $550

Parent Meeting Presentation - download here

The King's Ridge Middle School Football program is open to KR students, as well as the local community.  Under leadership of the King's Ridge Football staff, the program will consist of a 6th grade team, a 7th grade team, and an 8th grade team.

KR Feeder Football will place an emphasis on fundamentals, safety, and fostering a love for the sport.  Player and coach expectations will be centered around character development, sportsmanship and teamwork.

All athletes are guaranteed playing time during games.

All practices and home games will be held on the King's Ridge campus.

Practices will take place three to four times per week with one game per week.

King’s Ridge Middle School Football Feeder program is part of the GMSAA League (Georgia Middle School Athletic Association) for the upcoming football season. In order for your player to participate in the league, each child needs to be enrolled with the GMSAA.  There is no fee to register, but online registration is required.  If you have played GMSAA and registered with them in prior year, you do not need to register with them again. All players must be registered with both GMSAA and KR and submit the required forms.

GMSAA Requirements: Student/Parent Concussion Awareness Form, GMSAA Waiver.  You can download and print these from the GMSAA website  to upload during registration.  You will also need to scan and upload a copy of your child's birth certificate when registering.

KRCS Requirements: Valid GHSA Physical Form, KRCS Liability Waiver, GHSA Cardiac Awareness Form, GHSA Concussion Awareness & Protocol Form, and registration fee ($500).  KR students will upload their forms to the Magnus Health portal. Non-KR students will submit forms via email to Lisa Flecha at Download and print forms here

STEPS to complete KR Feeder Football Registration

1. If not already registered, register your child with GMSAA. Click on "Player Registration". When enrolling, choose "King's Ridge" as the team and leave the jersey number blank. There is no fee required.  

2. Forward your registration confirmation email from GMSAA to your coach.

3Register with KR Feeder Football Program and pay the registration fee. 

4. KR Students, upload updated forms to Magnus Health Portal.  Non-KR Students, print and complete required KR forms and submit to Lisa Flecha at 

 Email: with questions